Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

Published 09.15 by

T-REC Semarang-komunitas-reptil-semarang-CITES-convention-on-international-trade-in-endangered-species-of-wild-fauna-and-flora-valid from 12 june 2013-appendix 1-sekilas-tentang-buaya-dwarf-kerdil- dwarf crocodile- African dwarf crocodile- broad-snouted crocodile- bony crocodile- Osteolaemus tetraspis

T-REC Semarang-komunitas-reptil-semarang-CITES-convention-on-international-trade-in-endangered-species-of-wild-fauna-and-flora-valid from 12 june 2013-appendix 1-sekilas-tentang-buaya-dwarf-kerdil- dwarf crocodile- African dwarf crocodile- broad-snouted crocodile- bony crocodile- Osteolaemus tetraspis

-          CITES…………valid from 12June 2013
-          FAMILY : Crocodylidae ( Crocodiles )
-           Osteolaemus tetraspis
-          Appendix : 1
-          Note : 

Dwarf crocodile
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The dwarf crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis), also known as the African dwarf, broad-snouted or bony crocodile is an African crocodile. It is also the smallest extant crocodile species in the world. Recent sampling has identified three genetically distinct populations. Some feel that the findings should elevate the subspecies to full species status.

Taxonomy and etymology

Osteolaemus tetraspis is currently the only species included in the genus Osteolaemus, with two recognized subspecies:
  • Osteolaemus tetraspis tetraspis
  • Osteolaemus tetraspis osborni Congo (or Osborn’s) dwarf crocodile
The second subspecies has had a somewhat convoluted taxonomical history. It was first described as Osteoblepharon osborni by Schmidt in 1919, based on a few specimens from the Upper Congo Basin in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. However Inger in a 1948 paper found the specimens wanting of characteristics that would justify a generic separation from Osteolaemus and referred the specimens to Osteolaemus osborni. Later, Wermuth and Mertens (1961), reduced it to the current subspecies rank.
Recent evidence from the analysis of DNA indicates that there are three distinctly different populations of Osteolaemus that may merit full species recognition. These would be O. tetrapis, O. osborni, and a third currently unnamed species.

Distribution and habitat

Dwarf crocodiles range across tropical lowland regions of sub-Saharan West Africa and West Central Africa. Such a distribution greatly overlaps with that of the slender-snouted crocodile, encompassing countries as far West as Senegal, reaching the Central African Republic in the East, and ranging as southerly as Angola. The subspecies O. t. tetraspis is found mainly in the westerly reaches of this range while O. t. osborni is restricted to the Democratic Republic of Congo's rain forest.
Osteolaemus individuals reside in permanent ponds in swamps and areas of slight current of rain forest rivers, though reports exist of dwarf crocodiles in isolated pools in the savannah, where burrows are dug to aestivate during the dry season.
Cope, 1861
O. tetraspis

Dwarf crocodile
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

dwarf crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis), juga dikenal sebagai African dwarf, broad-snouted or bony crocodile sebagai buaya Afrika. jenis terkecil yang masih ada pada spesies buaya di dunia. Sampling baru telah mengidentifikasi tiga populasi yang berbeda secara genetik.
Taksonomi dan etimologi
Osteolaemus tetraspis saat ini sebagai satu-satunya spesies yang termasuk dalam genus Osteolaemus, dengan dua subspesies yang diakui:
• Osteolaemus tetraspis tetraspis
• Osteolaemus tetraspis osborni Congo (atau Osborn’s) dwarf crocodile

Subspesies kedua telah memiliki sejarah taksonomi yang agak berbelit-belit.  pertama kali digambarkan sebagai Osteoblepharon osborni oleh Schmidt pada tahun 1919, didasarkan pada beberapa spesimen dari Upper Kongo Basin di tempat yang sekarang sebagai  Republik Demokratik Kongo. Namun Inger dalam sebuah makalah 1948 menemukan spesimen dengan  karakteristik yang membenarkan pemisahan generik dari Osteolaemus dan disebut spesimen  Osteolaemus osborni. Kemudian, Wermuth dan Mertens (1961), menjadikan  ke peringkat subspesies saat ini.
Bukti terbaru dari analisis DNA menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga populasi yang berbeda jelas dari Osteolaemus yang mungkin mendapat pengakuan spesies penuh. akan menjadi O. tetrapis, O. osborni, dan sepertiga spesies yang saat ini tidak disebutkan namanya.

Distribusi dan habitat
berkisar di daerah dataran rendah tropis sub-Sahara Afrika Barat dan Afrika Tengah Barat. Pembagian seperti itu sangat tumpang tindih dengan buaya slender-snouted crocodile, meliputi Kendal  Barat hingga Senegal, Republik Afrika Tengah di Timur, dan Kendal selatan hingga Angola. Subspesies O. t. tetraspis ditemukan terutama dalam kisaran  barat  sementara O. t. osborni dibatasi hingga hutan hujan Republik Demokratik Kongo .
Individu Osteolaemus biasa ada di rawa-rawa dan daerah sungai hutan hujan, meskipun ada laporan di padang rumput, di mana mereka menggali liang  selama musim kemarau.
Cope, 1861
O. tetraspis

