Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

Published 09.21 by

T-REC Semarang-komunitas-reptil-semarang-CITES-convention-on-international-trade-in-endangered-species-of-wild-fauna-and-flora-valid from 12 june 2013-appendix 1-sekilas-tentang-buaya- false gharial- Malayan gharial- Tomistoma schlegelii

T-REC Semarang-komunitas-reptil-semarang-CITES-convention-on-international-trade-in-endangered-species-of-wild-fauna-and-flora-valid from 12 june 2013-appendix 1-sekilas-tentang-buaya- false gharial- Malayan gharial- Tomistoma schlegelii

-          CITES…………valid from 12June 2013
-          FAMILY : Crocodylidae ( Crocodiles )
-         Tomistoma schlegelii
-          Appendix : 1
-          Note : 

False gharial
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The false gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii), also known as the Malayan gharial, or false gavial is a freshwater crocodilian with a very thin and elongated snout. The false gharial is listed as an endangered species by IUCN as the population is estimated at below 2,500 mature individuals.

Distribution and habitat

False gharials are native to Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak, Sumatra and Borneo, but extirpated in Thailand. In the 1990s, information and sightings were available from 39 localities in 10 different river drainages, along with the remote river systems of Borneo. Apart from rivers, they inhabit swamps and lakes.
Prior to the 1950s, Tomistoma occurred in freshwater ecosystems along the entire length of Sumatra east of the Barisan Mountains. The current distribution in eastern Sumatra has been reduced by 30-40% due to hunting, logging, fires and agriculture.


The false gharial is listed on CITES Appendix I.
Steps have been taken by the Malaysian and Indonesian governments to prevent its extinction in the wild. There are reports of some populations rebounding in Indonesia, yet with this slight recovery, mostly irrational fears of attacks have surfaced amongst the local human population.
Yayasan Ulin (The Ironwood Foundation) is currently attempting to manage a wetland area in East Kalimantan which is known to contain the gharials.
Müller, 1846
T. schlegelii

False gharial
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The false gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii), juga dikenal sebagai the Malayan gharial, atau  false gavial adalah buaya air tawar dengan moncong sangat tipis dan memanjang.  terdaftar sebagai spesies terancam punah oleh IUCN karena populasi diperkirakan di bawah 2.500 individu dewasa.

Distribusi dan habitat
 asli Semenanjung Malaysia, Sarawak, Sumatera dan Kalimantan, tetapi punah di Thailand. Pada 1990-an, informasi dan penampakan  dari 39 daerah di 10 drainase sungai yang berbeda, bersama dengan sistem sungai di pedalaman Kalimantan. Selain sungai, mereka menghuni rawa dan danau.
Sebelum tahun 1950-an, Tomistoma ada pada ekosistem air tawar di sepanjang Sumatera timur dari  Pegunungan barisan. Distribusi saat ini di Sumatera Timur telah berkurang sebesar 30-40% karena perburuan, penebangan, kebakaran dan pertanian.

 terdaftar di CITES Appendix I.
Langkah yang telah diambil oleh pemerintah Malaysia dan Indonesia untuk mencegah kepunahan di alam liar. Ada laporan dari beberapa populasi rebound di Indonesia, namun dengan sedikit pemulihan, sebagian besar ketakutan irasional serangan muncul di antara populasi penduduk.
Yayasan Ulin (The Ironwood Foundation) saat ini sedang berusaha untuk mengelola lahan sawah di Kalimantan Timur yang dikenal mengandung gharials.
Müller, 1846
T. schlegelii

