Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

Published 08.47 by

T-REC Semarang-komunitas-reptil-semarang-CITES-convention-on-international-trade-in-endangered-species-of-wild-fauna-and-flora-valid from 12 june 2013-appendix 1-sekilas-tentang-buaya-siam- Siamese Crocodile- Crocodylus siamensis

T-REC Semarang-komunitas-reptil-semarang-CITES-convention-on-international-trade-in-endangered-species-of-wild-fauna-and-flora-valid from 12 june 2013-appendix 1-sekilas-tentang-buaya-siam- Siamese Crocodile- Crocodylus siamensis

-          CITES…………valid from 12June 2013
-          FAMILY : Crocodylidae ( Crocodiles )
-           Crocodylus siamensis
-          Appendix : 1
-          Note : 

Siamese crocodile
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Siamese Crocodile(Crocodylus siamensis) is a freshwater crocodile native to Indonesia (Borneo and possibly Java), Brunei, East Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Thailand, and Vietnam. The species is critically endangered and already extirpated from many regions. Its other common names include: Siamese freshwater crocodile, Singapore small-grain, cocodrilo de Siam, crocodile du Siam, buaja, buaya kodok, jara kaenumchued, and soft-belly.


The Siamese crocodile is a small, freshwater crocodilian (a group that also includes alligators, caimans and the gharial), with a relatively broad, smooth snout and an elevated, bony crest behind each eye. Overall, it is an olive-green color, with some variation to dark-green.

Distribution and habitat

The historic range of the Siamese crocodile included most of Southeast Asia. This species is now extinct in the wild or nearly extinct from most countries except Cambodia. Formerly it was found in Cambodia, Indonesia (Borneo and possibly Java), Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, and Burma.
Siamese crocodiles occur in a wide range of freshwater habitats, including slow-moving rivers and streams, lakes, seasonal oxbow lakes, marshes and swamplands.

Conservation status and threats

This crocodile is classified as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List, and is listed on Appendix I of CITES.
It is one of the most endangered crocodiles in the wild, although it is extensively bred in captivity.
C. siamensis

Siamese crocodile
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Siamese Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) adalah buaya air tawar asli Indonesia (Kalimantan dan mungkin Jawa), Brunei, Malaysia Timur, Laos, Kamboja, Myanmar, Thailand, dan Vietnam. Spesies ini terancam punah dan sudah punah dari berbagai daerah. Nama lain yang umum termasuk: Siamese freshwater crocodile, Singapore small-grain, cocodrilo de Siam, crocodile du Siam, buaja, buaya kodok, jara kaenumchued, dan soft-belly.
kecil, buaya air tawar  (kelompok yang juga termasuk buaya, Caiman dan gharial) , moncong halus dan ditinggikan, berwarna hijau zaitun, dengan beberapa variasi hijau gelap.

Distribusi dan habitat
 termasuk sebagian besar Asia Tenggara. Spesies ini kini punah di alam liar atau hampir punah dari sebagian besar negara kecuali Kamboja. Sebelumnya itu ditemukan di Kamboja, Indonesia (Kalimantan dan mungkin Jawa), Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, dan Burma.
Berada pada berbagai habitat air tawar, termasuk sungai , danau, danau oxbow  musiman, rawa-rawa
Status konservasi dan ancaman
Buaya ini diklasifikasikan sebagai terancam punah pada IUCN Red List, dan terdaftar di Appendix I CITES.
Ini adalah salah satu buaya yang paling terancam punah di alam liar, meskipun secara luas dibesarkan di penangkaran.
C. siamensis

